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Quintessentially Quaint -
Hummer fun facts:
They can flap their wings over 100 times a minute hovering
in mid-air, fly sideways, diagonally and even upside down!
The hummer has been clocked at speeds of 35mph (54km/hr) and their diving speeds have been clocked at 49mph (79km/hr)
Hummers are no fools when it comes to finding fine dining! They have a delicate pallet and can easily tell which flowers hold the riches nectar! These selective birds will not waste their time on low producing or poor nutrient nectar flowers.
Hummers are only found in the North and South America. During the winter months they fly south and live is the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America.
Hummingbirds have a long history of folklore and symbolism in native cultures. The Aztecs saw them as messengers between them and their ancestors or the gods. In Native American culture, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck and joy.
The overall symbolism of the hummingbird is joy. In animal totems the hummingbird is a
powerful symbol of life and joy, because of their ability to hover hummers are
often thought to be reminders that life is meant to be savored, their tireless
activity symbolizes perseverance and because hummingbirds do not simply flap
their wings up and down, but instead move them in the pattern of the infinity
symbol, or a figure eight, they are often thought to symbolize eternity and
everlasting life and remind us to seek out the magic in life
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