Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Heaven on Earth -
Hawaiian symbolism of the honu (green sea turtle) symbolizes good luck in the form of a guardian spirit. Honu also represents the navigator and an everlasting connection with the land, ocean and humankind.

There is a legend in Hawaii about a large honu (sea turtle), named Kauila who is a guardian of children playing on a Hawaiian beach by transforming herself into a human girl.

Throughout the ages humans have bestowed turtles with special meaning. Ancient myths from different cultures describe the world as resting on the turtle’s back. Among Far Eastern cultures it was believed that the turtle’s back symbolized Heaven and that its underside represented Earth. For them the turtle signified the possibility of uniting Heaven and Earth within one’s own life.

Native American folklore actually referred to the North American as “Turtle Island.”  According to the story, North America is perched on the back of a very large turtle who volunteered its shell as a home for all of the land animals. A turtle’s shell is strong enough to carry the weight of the continent on its back, and with it their actual home.

Some cultures today still regard the turtle as a symbol of the primal mother and believe that it is connected to the lunar cycle. Others associate the turtle with longevity and wisdom. Incredibly, sea turtles have existed on earth longer than any other vertebrate animal — they were here when dinosaurs evolved and became extinct, and they survived the Ice Age.

The sea turtle also symbolizes patience, wisdom and endurance as they will travel incredible distances to reach the beach that they were born on to lay their eggs.

There is a saying, “Home is where the heart is” — the turtle is always at home within itself.

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