Friday, December 21, 2018

Solstice Splendor

Happy Winter Solstice!

Solstice Splendor
As you all know I am a nature nerd, what you might have
surmised from my designs and titles I am a hopeless romantic.  To me there is something magical about winter and snow.  There is a subtle beauty to the snow looking at first like a blanket of white, but then, upon a closer inspection, you see tiny diamonds, BUT WAIT, focus in closer and you see countless miniature intricate works of art, SNOWFLAKES.  

My favorite time in winter is between twilight and dusk.  I love to lay in the snow, on my back, gazing at the heavens above. The sky is this deep hue of blue, the color you only see in winter.  You begin to see a few stars in the sky twinkle, the moon’s beams light up the snow below dancing off each snowflake creating a glimmer that mimics the stars in the infinite cobalt cosmos above. 

As you lose yourself it the magnificent exquisite beauty around you, Mother Nature is not finished dazzling you.  She sends petite elaborate ice crystals of art, like nothing man can create, wafting down ever so gracefully from the heavens to decorate the landscape below. The snow blankets the trees and anything else that has a cold surface. The once barren brown landscape is now covered in white glitter.   The moon’s light creating sparkles off these snowflakes creating a light show that will delight your senses.  The peace and silence of the night only adds to the serene and illuminating evening.  Yes it is cold, but if you allow yourself to see, hear and feel the grandeur around you the temperature is no longer a factor in the experience.

Peace and love to all of you,

#art #mandalaart #kaleidoscopeart #Zenart #wintersolstice
#snowflake #winter #psychedelicart

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